Monthly Archives: September 2012


Cut & Bleeding: Austerity-bitten Spain stands up in fury           Published on Sep 30, 2012 by     RussiaToday Protests against biting spending cuts  continue throughout Europe, as people vent their anger over bailout  sponsored austerity. Mass demonstrations in Madrid turned to … Continue reading


Tesla Motors Launches Revolutionary Supercharger Enabling Free Long Distance Travel   J.G. Vibes Activist PostToday Tesla Motors unveiled its highly anticipated Supercharger network, which is said to make long distance travel in cars totally free thanks to the use of … Continue reading

The Shit is About to Hit the Fan, Here’s the Proof 14 mins VERY INFORMATIVE

News from Bix Weir.

Everybody and their mother has sent me the Federal Judge decision throwing out the Position Limit Rule. Here it is…
My take…you didn’t think the Bad Guys were just going to roll over and die did you?!
I have always held that the CFTC would not CAUSE the crash but rather be in position to try and restart the markets after the crash. This has been my take for the past 4 years and this ruling is further confirmation that this is the case.
So should you be discouraged? NO! As a matter of fact – it is VERY significant that the Position Limits Rule will be further delayed at this time because it won’t be blamed for the market chaos that is right around the corner. One computer program triggered raid by the Good Guys or the Bad Guys and everything resembling “computer wealth” is destroyed. Today’s computer generated “money” is the absolute WORST form of money in the history of the world! Imagine…people think their electronic bank balances are VALUABLE when their bank is insolvent! This is worse than those who believed that  tulips were the best store of value in the Tulip Bubble! 
Expect MASSIVE volatility in the markets (especially silver!) during October. The take down is directly in front of us so be safe. Keep your metal OUT of their system.  No ETF’s, no 3rd party storage, no safe deposit boxes – none of it. Count your wealth in OUNCES and not US Dollars.
Metal in your pocket will be the best, if not only, monetary asset that will survive the crash.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Jewish leaders in NYC Meet with Ahmadinejad- Video Listen to this video!  Listen to these Jewish leaders in New York talking to Ahmadinejad about the dangers of Zionism!!!!! NOT the Jewish religion nor the Jewish people, but the ZIONISTS. This … Continue reading

Patriots Speak Out Against Presidential Tyranny

September 25th, 2012 • 4:57 PM

Last Friday patriots spoke out against the tyrannical actions of the U.S. presidency at Walter Jones HCR 107 press Conference in Washington DC . We bring you an abbreviated version of that event along with an overview of LaRouchePAC’s activities on the ground last week.  The press event included the participation of  Bruce Fein, Associate Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan, author, “American Empire: Before the Fall”, Lt. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (USA.Ret), former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell (2002-05),  Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, author of “Operation Dark Heart”, and a statement of support from Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (USMC-ret.), who served as the Chief of Staff, and later as the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Command.

Watch this video:


Legal Advice from a Retired Judge turned Whistleblower   Subject: Legal Advice from a Retired Judge turned Whistleblower . <!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–> <!–[endif]–> If you are a typical American Citizen; when you were born, the US Dept. of Transportation took the … Continue reading


I’ve known this lady my entire life. She’s very sick. On top of that, she’s being abused by those to whom she has given everything. Lies about her abound, and seem to come from all sides. It just breaks my heart.
There’s nothing I can do alone.  But maybe, if we join in and lift her up together, God will heal her.
She’s well over 230 years old, but way too young to die.
Her name is ‘ America. ‘  I love her and have always been proud of her.
Please take the time to say a prayer for her – even if it is a short, simple prayer like, Lord, please heal our land.  Amen.

DOJ “Fast and Furious” Report Hits Hard–But Pulls Punches on Holder

Posted on September 21, 2012

The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on the “Fast and Furious” scandal was released this week, and while it found 14 officials from the department and its Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives responsible for the reckless program, it failed, unfortunately, to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. responsible for the actions of those under his supervision.

The report provides a valuable account of the operation and the department’s response, concluding that the operation “quickly grew into an investigation that lacked realistic objectives, did not have appropriate supervision within ATF or the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and failed to adequately assess the public safety consequences” of letting guns flow freely into Mexico.

Even the New York Times, one of the leading media supporters of President Obama and an avid opponent of gun owners’ rights, said in an editorial that “The recklessness of federal officials in their harebrained scheme to assist in illegal gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels was laid bare in a scathing report by the Justice Department’s inspector general. …Something as half‑baked as Operation Fast and Furious should never have been concocted in the name of law enforcement.”

But the report also begs the question of who is actually in charge at the Department of Justice if such a program can be conducted for more a year, supposedly without the knowledge or approval of senior officials and the Attorney General himself.

The report calls for action to be taken against 14 lower-level agents and officials, but allows higher-ups to stand by their claims that they did not know about the operation until February 2011. But information already received by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee shows affidavits for wiretaps that, according to Inspector General Michael Horowitz, should have led to further scrutiny by senior officials. “If you were focused and looking at the question of gunwalking,” Horowitz said before the Oversight Committee this week, “you would read these reports and see many red flags.”

In his statement on the report, Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said: “It’s time for President Obama to step in and provide accountability for officials at both the Department of Justice and ATF who failed to do their jobs. Attorney General Holder has clearly known about these unacceptable failures yet has failed to take appropriate action for over a year and a half.”

We agree with Chairman Issa. The Attorney General of the United States cannot simply claim he did not know. It was his fundamental responsibility to know what was being done under his leadership. That point was hinted at this week by former ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson, who was also faulted in the report and retired from his subsequent DOJ job after the report was issued. In a statement, Melson correctly admitted that “as the acting director of the agency I was ultimately responsible for the actions of each employee.”

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: For stonewalling the congressional investigation of “Fast and Furious” and for his failure to stop the operation, or even take responsibility for it, Eric Holder should be fired.


Unhappy Muslims   Put this out on the  “social sites”—so many can see.              Unhappy Muslims   > Totally Brilliant, how come they don’t see this?  ****   > What can be done about it?  ****   > The … Continue reading

‘Ram’ memory saves real memory in older men

OK, guys, let’s get going on passing the word and waking up other sleeping sheeple.

New research suggests that computer use can lower the risk of dementia by up to 40 percent in men.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Having access to a personal computer lowers or decreases the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older men by up to 40 per cent, according to researchers at The University of Western Australia.

Winthrop Professor Osvaldo Almeida and his colleagues undertook an eight-year study of more than 5000 Perth men aged from 65 to 85. The results are published in the journal PLoSOne.

Professor Almeida is Research Director at the UWA-affiliate, the Centre for Health and Ageing.

“As the world’s population ages, the number of people experiencing cognitive decline and dementia will increase to 50 million by 2025,” he said. “But if our findings are correct, the increase in the number of cases of dementia over the next 40 years may not be as dramatic as is currently expected.”

Professor Almeida said previous studies showed that cognitively-stimulating activities decreased the risk of dementia but there was little evidence on the likely effect of computer use over many years.

“So it got us thinking, with personal computer ownership on the increase, could it make a difference? We found that it did, and that there was a significant benefit,” he said.

The researchers found that computer users were younger than non-users, had completed at least high school, had a more active social network and were less likely to show evidence of depression or poor physical health.

They found that the risk of dementia was about 30 to 40 per cent lower among older computer users than non-users and that their findings could not be attributed to age, education, social isolation, depression, overall health or cognitive impairment.

Older people should therefore be encouraged to embrace computer technology as long as they understand the dangers of prolonged physical inactivity and the many advantages of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, the authors write.

The research is part of Australia’s longest-running longitudinal study of men’s health and ageing. It has been following a group of more than 19,000 men since 1996.

Media references

Christianne White (WA Centre for Health and Ageing) (+61 8) 9224 2993 / (+61 4) 15 213 661
Michael Sinclair-Jones (UWA Public Affairs) (+61 8) 6488 3229 / (+61 4) 00 700 783

Internet Use Cuts Depression In Elderly, Study Finds

Elderly people who regularly use the internet are less likely to suffer from depression, new research from a US university has found.

The research, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, found that regular internet usage in retired Americans aged 50 and older reduced depression by 20-28% and helped promote mental well-being among this group.

The definition of regular internet use was based on people’s own answers to the question: “Do you regularly use the World Wide Web, or the Internet, for sending and receiving e-mail or for any other purpose…?”) and depression was classified by the ‘eight-item version’ of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies’ Depression Scale – a commonly used method for measuring depression.

“Internet use and depression among older adults” was compiled by Shelia Cotten, George Ford, Sherry Ford and Timothy Hale using existing data from a survey covering both internet usage and health among US adults aged 50 and older, conducted as part of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), an ongoing study into ageing by the University of Michigan.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham study notes that much prior research on the relationship between internet use and depression among older adults has been based “on small samples, which limit the statistical sophistication and the robustness of the findings”. The HRS sample was larger, surveying 7,839 older adults who are retired and not living in a nursing home.

The new research concludes: “Internet use reduces the probability of a depression categorization for older adults by about 20%–28%. The effects of Internet use on depression are large and positive, resolving, at least to some extent, the lack of evidence supporting the Internet’s impact on depression among older adults.”

Dr Cotten told E-Access Bulletin that the most important finding of this study is that “there is a strong and robust effect of Internet usage on depression. What this means is that regardless of the statistical analysis techniques used, internet users were 20%-28% less likely to be classified as depressed. This suggests that we should be encouraging more older adults to become Internet users.”

Dr Cotten said other research she has conducted in this area shows that “using the internet provides a way for older adults to find information, garner resources, and communicate with members of their social networks. The ability to stay in touch with others and find support when needed are likely responsible for the beneficial impacts of Internet use on mental health among older adults.”

NOTE: For many more stories like this delivered free by email every month, sign up for E-Access Bulletin at:

This entry was posted   on Saturday, September 8th, 2012 at 12:36 pm and is filed under Digital inclusionOlder people. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.  You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record

Editor’s note:  An update from the author has been added to this article on September 20, 2012.

Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data.

National Public Radio (NPR) published an article on its website last month claiming, “Ten years ago, a piece of ice the size of Rhode Island disintegrated and melted in the waters off Antarctica. Two other massive ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula had suffered similar fates a few years before. The events became poster children for the effects of global warming. … There’s no question that unusually warm air triggered the final demise of these huge chunks of ice.”

NPR failed to mention anywhere in its article that Antarctic sea ice has been growing since satellites first began measuring the ice 33 years ago and the sea ice has been above the 33-year average throughout 2012.

Indeed, none of the mainstream media are covering this important story. A Google News search of the terms Antarctic, sea ice and record turns up not a single article on the Antarctic sea ice record. Amusingly, page after page of Google News results for Antarctic sea ice record show links to news articles breathlessly spreading fear and warning of calamity because Arctic sea ice recently set a 33-year low.

Sea ice around one pole is shrinking while sea ice around another pole is growing. This sure sounds like a global warming crisis to me.

Update:  To provide more perspective on global warming and Antarctica, I would like to update this column with some additional information:

As meteorologist Anthony Watts explains, new data show ice mass is accumulating on the Antarctic continent as well as in the ocean surrounding Antarctica. The new data contradict an assertion by global warming alarmists that the expanding Antarctic sea ice is coming at the expense of a decline in Antarctic continental ice.

The new data also add context to sensationalist media stories about declining ice in small portions of Antarctica, such as portions of West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula (see here, for example). The mainstream media frequently publish stories focusing on ice loss in these two areas, yet the media stories rarely if ever mention that ice is accumulating over the larger area of East Antarctica and that the continent as a whole is gaining snow and ice mass.

Interestingly, a new NASA study finds Antarctica once supported vegetation similar to that of present-day Iceland.

“The southward movements of rain bands associated with a warmer climate in the high-latitude southern hemisphere made the margins of Antarctica less like a polar desert, and more like present-day Iceland,” a co-author of the NASA study reports.

WOW did this attitude get trashed……..

1907 PHOTO This one needs to circulate
The year is 1907, one hundred and 5+ years ago. READ PRINT UNDER PICTURE!
Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.‘In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.’Theodore Roosevelt 1907 Every American citizen needs to read this!

Daily Word

World Peace

As we recognize our oneness, peace emerges.

I may sometimes find it easier to focus on the perceived differences between others and myself, or what I’d like others to do differently. Yet when I shift my focus, a deeper perspective emerges.

The presence of God within me is my divine nature. It is the love and life of God that sustains me. But I cannot be content to see the Divine in myself alone. I behold the divine strength and eternal goodness in all people. My awareness of God in others dissolves any sense of division or petty differences.

God’s love fills me with love for all. I feel the joy of our oneness. In God, we are connected—heart to heart, spirit to spirit. Nothing will stand in the way of peace amongst us when we recognize we are one.

Be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.—Philippians 2:2

ALL AMERICA MUST SEE THIS! Breaking Reality ~ 2013

There is an invigorating, sparkling crackle in the air

Jesus through John

Humanity’s awakening is moving ahead very auspiciously as the divine energies you are availing of to help you on your way continue to strengthen and intensify with each passing day.  If you could really comprehend what you are achieving as you focus on being loving at all times, and by sharing your love indiscriminately with all with whom you interact, you would be absolutely flabbergasted.

You are on Earth at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution for precisely this purpose, and despite the difficulties with which such a life has presented you, you are maintaining your purpose and delivering what you promised – an almost constant demonstration of loving wisdom in action – and, as a direct result, inspiring all those with whom you interact to do likewise.  You deserve and will receive the highest accolades and commendations for the devotion and determination you are bringing to this essential task…

View original post 691 more words

Innocent until proven guilty, let’s see how it goes.


Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Self-Proclaimed “President” of Sovereign Citizen Group Indicted for Tax Crimes
A federal grand jury in Montgomery, Ala., charged James Timothy  Turner, also known as Tim Turner, with conspiracy to defraud the United  States, attempting to pay taxes with fictitious financial instruments,  attempting to obstruct and impede the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),  failing to file a 2009 federal income tax return and falsely testifying  under oath in a bankruptcy proceeding, the Justice Department, the IRS,  and the FBI announced today. According to the indictment, Turner, the self-proclaimed “President” of the sovereign citizen group “Republic for the united States of  America,” conducted seminars at which he taught attendees how to file  retaliatory liens against government officials and to defraud the IRS by preparing and submitting fictitious bonds to the United States  government in payment of federal taxes. Turner is alleged to have  attempted to pay his own taxes with a fictitious $300 million bond and  to have assisted others in attempting to pay their taxes with fictitious bonds purporting to be worth amounts ranging from $10 million to $100  billion.
An indictment merely alleges that a crime has been committed, and a  defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable  doubt. If convicted, Turner faces a maximum of 164 years in federal  prison, a maximum fine of $2,350,000 and mandatory restitution.
This case was investigated by special agents of the FBI and IRS – Criminal Investigation, and is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Justin Gelfand of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and Middle District of Alabama Assistant U.S. Attorney Gray Borden.
Tax Division

You can see signs everywhere that the old order is crumbling

Jesus through John

You are on the verge of an enormous breakthrough into your fully-conscious state that will lead you to the most amazing revelations about life and existence. The fact that you were divinely created from the One Source assures and guarantees for you the gift, the honor, the right, and the privilege of eternal existence which is the state of completion, fulfillment, and perfection from which nothing is missing.  You want for nothing because anything you could ever conceive of wanting is instantly within your domain and attends your pleasure.

Full consciousness is the state in which you were created and in which you have your eternal existence.  It just seems to you that you are limited because you are presently, by your own choice, experiencing severely limited consciousness due to the inadequacies of the vehicle you have chosen to inhabit – a human body – and the resultant shortage of…

View original post 705 more words

It’s Still Bush’s Fault!

Stand Up For America

I haven’t heard that (yet).  I do keep seeing that somehow Romney commenting twelve hours after news of the Libya attack was wrong and is impacting this situation.  Not much being said about Obama’s foreign policy.  Why did he decide to continue Bush’s use of drone warfare in foreign countries?  Even bigger question, why has he increased such attacks?  In Libya, Obama agreed to assist our NATO allies request for assistance  (France and the UK) despite the criticism that we did not know if the rebels were friend or foe to the US.  Egypt?  Didn’t Obama makes some speeches there promising a new era of peace throughout the Middle East?  (heh,heh, how’s that Hope&Change working for ya?)  And that may be a lesson for all, don’t make promises you cannot keep.  Obama can only promise peace on his part, the other people in the world have to agree to his…

View original post 17 more words