
62 responses to “Republics

  1. Hey,

    Where are all the other Republics?



  2. As we all know a glitch came about and we don’t have them yet


  3. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The states of the United States are republics due to the fact that you have an unlimited right to sue government to redress a problem with a law. The United States government is also a republic. A republic is a nation of laws. (instead of democracy which is a notion of laws by popular vote).

    The states of the United States of America are no longer intact. They were never reinstated after the civil war. We are in the process of reforming one of these by creating a jurisdiction based on common law. These would be considered republics also since your right to suit is inalienable

    Most of the “republics” you see on the internet have no jurisdiction and therefore you have no remedy to enforce laws or rights. You have to have a court system in order to be a nation of laws.(by definition). People will argue this point but they have to remedy to prove it. (you need a court system to have the remedy).


  4. “The United States” government is a private, for profit corporation that we need to get rid of and get back to the original Constitutional setup.


    • richardfuselier7gmailcom

      The United States is the federal government. You need it to fight wars and perform the functions of national government. Plus some management of civil rights and laws for those nationals of the United States. (there will always be a large number of people who will not learn self government).

      You also need to restart the states of the several states to restore previous form of self government. You simply create a jurisdiction and start recruiting citizens. See section 1481 of title 8.(this is the act that reinstated the Writ of Habeas Corpus after the civil war).

      The only thing that prevents you from reclaiming your previous form of government is knowledge of how to do it.

      The belief that you can get rid of the central government was defeated by the civil war. Probably should not do that again. However, if you recreated the former form of government the United States would be modified by the simple fact that would not have the power to take your money anymore. This would take a couple of generations to educate enough people to do that.


  5. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The original set up:
    There existed a central government called the United States.
    There existed the several states of the United States of America.

    What is left after the civil war is the central government and
    States of the United States (14th amendment citizens)

    You will probably never get rid of states of the United States.
    But you can restart the states of the United States of America Several groups are trying to figure out how to do this. However, I only know of one with the jurisdiction to make this happen. They may be another that I don”t know about.


    • Great, I agree, which group do you know of with the jurisdiction, please?


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        The state we have formed is called the “Republic of the United States of America.” We are about ready to go into the Supreme Court with a change of law action. We are litigating a change of Supreme Court Rule 47 and a federal statute that says the same thing.


  6. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Note how many post to this heading. Note how few want to discuss the American Republics. Ignorance is what put us in this mess;.


  7. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The reason for this is that the basic solution is beyond the grasp if the patriot movement. You have to have a jurisdiction first. Without a court you have no remedy.


  8. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Clarify: You cannot reorganize the former republics until you form a common law jurisdiction. You will need a jurisdiction for each republic. That is the underlying issue in the patriot movement that is not be addressed..


  9. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Within the patriot movement there are not 3 litigators who could form a court.
    No training, no skills sets, no desire. All of these guys are taking money for solutions that cannot be sustained under a direct legal attack. Even the common law court is England is doing that.


  10. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The “glitch” being stated is….no court to file in.


  11. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    I just called a lot of these patriots “leaders” liars and cheats. No defense by anyone. I say again ….anyone who gives you a “solution” to government problems without a legal (court) remedy is a person taking your money under false pretenses.


  12. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The legal remedy to restart the republics is this:
    1. Form a common law jurisdiction under Amendment Ten to the Constitution.
    2. Abrogate United States nationality as stated by section 1481(a) of title 8 and Amendment Nine..
    3, Aoply for a certificate of loss of nationality as stated by section 1501 of title 8.
    4. Sue the government in your common law court for not issuing the certificate.

    If you win….you have established a republic.


    • Are these Maritime law “Sections”?


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        Title 8 is United States code for nationality and aliens. A United States person is a United States national, a citizen of one of the several states is an American National. All others are aliens. There are various types of aliens. Title 8 defines these individuals and other entities also. In title 8 you are defined as a United States national, I am defined as an American National. If you are involved in a legal action and nationality is put into question – title 8 controls the rule of decision.

        An example is Amendment Two. These militia groups claim 2nd amendment rights – however 2 Amendment is applicable to the citizens of the several states (free states). These are the organized militias that fought the revolutionary war.(American nationals). If you are in a legal problem with these claims you would have to claim equal rights under the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution of the United States.

        If you are in a real militia you would claim inalienable rights under the Declaration of Independence. Or contract rights under the Constitution (not the Constitution of the United States)

        The Constitutions are an agreement between the United States and the United States of America. (see Preamble). These are not maritime law – these are cases in law or equity (Amendment Eleven) and law and equity (Article III).


  13. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The reason that you do not see discussion or comments is that most people complain but take no positive steps to change things. Notice most post just discuss the problem but do not address any solutions. This solution is actually the 2nd amendment solution also. The “free states” in Amendment 2 are these republics. Amendment Seven, Nine, Ten and Eleven also.
    This is the tax protestor solution also. The free states have the power to tax themselves.


  14. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Reference: Maritime Law Sections

    Maritime law is the applicable law on waterways. Many patriots believe we are under maritime law. What is actually controlling most patriots is called “civil law” based on the presumption the individual is a United States national. These United States nationals were mostly created by the 14th Amendment.

    What I am discussing are cases in “law and/or equity” which is common law actions. Using common law in United States courts. In order to do this you have to organize a common law court system where you can claim inalienable rights found in the Declaration of Independence. For each inalienable right you will find a corresponding civil right also. These are American nationals and the people of the several states of the United States of America.

    The “Republic” groups are trying to claim these rights but without the court system or the knowledge of the corresponding civil rights. They lack the litigators to make it happen. However they will take you money to support their effort – without giving you a court to fight in. No legal remedy for their belief systems.


  15. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    About “dejure citizens”. This is patriot bunk.
    The Constitution refers to two groups.

    In the preamble is found “We the people of the United States”. Today in United States code (title 8) these people are called “United States nationals”.

    The next group is found in Amendment Eleven:
    “Citizens and Subjects of a Foreign State”. This was an amendment that express the relationship of the People of the United States of America as different (or foreign state) from the people of the United States. See 1601-1611 of Title 28.

    The United States is a civil law jurisdiction. (one nation under man’s law)
    The United States of America is a common law jurisdiction.
    (One nation under God’s law)

    In todays code (title 8) the people of the United States of America are called “American Nationals”. Not dejure citizens. There is no legal argument to be found anywhere to support a “dejure” citizenship.

    Read Title 8 U.S.C. 1481 and sequence to find out how to move back and forth to these jurisdictions. (and for these terms).

    …and Title 8 is not “maritime law”….it is called civil code.


  16. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    What you see in this post is the underlying problem in our society. This discussion is about reforming republics for the purpose of self-governance. (living under different laws than the civil law). Notice that no one can contribute because no one is trying to do this. One email said they want Congress to give us back the power of self governance.

    Congress has done this with section 1481 of title 8. Yet no one understands it for some reason. (this section of the civil code is actually the partial codification of Amendment One, Two, Seven, Nine, Ten, and Eleven.)

    What knowledge that is missing (to put this together) is found in the Study Guide for Law found in the Great Books of Western Civilization by Britannica. Without this knowledge you can’t know what questions to ask.


  17. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Then again…maybe there is no desire for self government. I see very little of it in these post.


  18. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Our supreme court case was filed this past week.


    • Presently we are operating on the war powers emergency act. Donald John trump is the Commander in Chief of this military operation. I don’t know how the Supreme Court fits in.


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        Trump lacks the power to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. He has to issue a written declaration as the president. This means that common law jurisdictions can create new law. You should know that.


        • Check out the blue print for the current operation at ” ” maybe that has some necessary info, I don’t know. Everything is under military justice that over rules civilian courts.


          • richardfuselier7gmailcom

            The site you referred me to specifically states that the President has to issue a written order to invoke the powers.
            However I never could find a copy of that written order.
            This implies…..the writ of habeas corpus has not been suspended by a written order. Therefore the common law courts can issue decrees. The highest court is not a military court….it is the Supreme Court of the US and the Common Law Courts of the United States of America.


            • Read further, Marshall law is in effect.


              • richardfuselier7gmailcom

                You are a guy who is for restoring the original Constitution. We are the people doing that by returning to our former form of government. We post that and you then say we are under some unknow jurisdiction that says we can’t do what we just did. However we did it. If you are right they will throw our petition out….however if you are wrong then our petition will stay. We only have to wait this out.


                • I did not say we can not do that, I think it will get done. But the rules are different in our Continuity Of Government operation that we are in t he midst of under.


                  • richardfuselier7gmailcom

                    The subject is reforming the Republics as stated in the Constitution. The rules of court are still good and it is ongoing. I see no evidence of the facts you are using as they are stated on the internet. If I fail then I have to rethink it.


  19. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    I don’t see that. I see the civil court system operating, issuing decrees, and enforcing these decrees. I use the court systems all the time and have never been under any military system or group of laws. Trump has an army of lawyers fighting all kinds of things in those civil court systems. In fact our argument in the civil court system is about full faith and credit to common law courts. These are the “republics” that is the subject matter of this forum.


  20. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    There are two things that I believe on the internet. I believe in the statutes as the United States prints them. I believe the internet has a lot of things posted that ignore these laws….and as a result nothing is accomplished. The government believes in their laws and if you use them you get help from the government. If you don’t ….no help.


    • The Constitution is the law of the land, we are all working to restore that. Statutes, regulations, codes, rules, etc are part of the legalese created by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc. not the Republic. Interesting stuff.


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        The Constitution is the law of the United States of America (the original republics). The government (called the United States) adopted the Constitution of the United States. (See Preamble and Declaration of Independence).

        In federal court you can make a claim under the Constitution. (This is a case in law and equity). Or you can make a claim under United States law.

        What we are doing is claiming a right to a common law trial under the Constitution (Amendment Seven jury demand and other parts). That is a case in law or equity (see Amendment Eleven).


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        Laws in the Anglo-Saxon system are of two types:

        1. Code or written law – The United States Code (various titles) You can find it on the internet. See 28 USC Section 1746(2). Written by Congress and adjudicated in the courts of the United States by United States nationals.

        2. Laws of the United States of America (see 28 U.S.C. Section 1746(1). This is court made law – the Common Law. Adjudicated in the courts of the several states of the United States of America. (these states have been dormant since the civil war), litigated by American nationals. This is what we are doing….the first issue – American national.


    • This government is the one that hijacked the original United States Republic during the Reconstruction period after 1860’s. Congressional actor 1871 sealed it, so to speak.


  21. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Trump is not a person who hides his powers. If he had these powers he would exercise them. I see no evidence of this power.


    • This is a military operation in force for many years he does what the military tells him to do


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        I see no evidence of military action or courts. Give me an example.


        • Here is the whole story, documents, statutes, executive orders, etc. I have posted it before: It explains that Trump declared national state of emergency on Mar 2018, plus 8 more since then. Congress did not respond, therefore we are under Marshall law and Continuity of Goverment operation is on going. Simple read, start with “Outline of the Blueprint”


          • richardfuselier7gmailcom

            I don’t see how any of that military power discussion contributes to the Republic discussion. It seems to be about the problem and not the solution.

            As long as the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus is not suspended by a written order – the republic discussion is a solution. I don’t see that written order. There hasn’t been one since after the civil war when the Common Law Procedure Act reinstated the writ. (that is title 8 U.S.C. Section 1481 now). 1481 is still good law and the solution to self determination.

            Almost all other subjects are about the problem and not the solution.


          • richardfuselier7gmailcom

            All the presidential inputs in this document do not impose any martial law. It is a conclusion of law that is not supported by any document or statement. This is simply presidents writing laws so they can spend money without congressional approval.


  22. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Most patriot sites discuss problems.
    This particular site (Republics) is a discussion of the solution. This information is about self government – how to start and do it. I don’t know who started it – but they failed to create the jurisdictions to support this solution. My information is about how to create the jurisdictions. One at a time.


    • Are you familiar with Anna Von Reitz’s work? All 50 States have local people working on it.


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        They are at a standstill because they did not or will not form common law or private law jurisdictions. They have no court to provide them a remedy. Remember…most people discuss the problem but not the solution. They see the problem but they see no solution.


  23. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    This is what happened to the common law republics.

    The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus is the writ that seperated common law from civil law. The Common Law court issued the writ to pull someone out of a civil law jurisdiction for a common law trial .

    Lincoln knew he could not fight the war if the writ was still good. He couldn’t draft people or hold prisoners.
    He suspended the writ by declaring everyone “subject to the laws of the United States” and United States courts. (see 14th amendment that uses this phrase.)

    After the civil war the writ was reinstated by the Common Law Procedure Act (now Title 8 U.S.C. Section 1481 and seq.) The people of the common law republics were never restarted their common law courts. (Government does not have this power).

    The organic republic formed by the Declaration of Independence was called the United States of America. The people of the Several States of the United States of America were called Americans. You had to be a resident of one of the states of the United States of America to prosecute a common law trial.

    These courts is where individual rights, liberties and privileges were establish (by common law juries). Without these courts government slowly erodes your rights and liberties with civil law. This has caused a decline in morals and individual liberties in Western Civilization. By waiving the right to establish these laws you make yourself a subject of the civil law system (read government law system). Thus inflation, taxation of every activity, etc.


    • I agree with all that, therefore what is happening now is called devolution, the military is bringing us back to that state. That is why Biden is not a President and Trump is the Commander in Chief.


      • Sorry, I should have said I agree with lot of it, rest of it I don’t quite understand, not denying it


        • richardfuselier7gmailcom

          To understand the Anglo-Saxon system of jurisprudence you need to study the “Study guide to the philosophy of law”. Found in the Great Books of Western Civilization by Encly. Britannica.

          You will learn how the various jurisdictions work and the application of the code and common law.

          Without this knowledge you are like a new plumber who doesn’t know what a 90 is. You cannot speak the language of litigation or understand the underlying principals.

          This is the base law that created Western Civilization and the Constitutions. The lack of this education caused the evolution of the patriot movement as it exist today.

          The code writers (lawyers who work for government) have all been educated in these principals with that study guide.


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        What is happening in this forum is called “Repatriation” with a Writ of Repatriation being filed at common law. (See Title 8 U.S.C. 1481. What is happening in most forums is problems without solutions.


        • I thought you wanted to get rid of the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and get back to the original constitutional United States of America. 

          An in depth explanation of the games that have been played on the Americansovereigns.By Anna M von Reitz –  Updated 14 July 20141 Nothing to discuss here, boys— there are over 350 different meanings2 ascribed legally to the four words “united states of america”, and all of3 the above fall into the pile. There is no use even discussing it unless you4 know the context in which the words are being used. But, yes, the5 “United States of America” IS a corporation — a religious non-profit6 chartered by the Roman Catholic Church no less—in Delaware. When7 used in this context it may appear in all capital letters, which is one8 means used to identify corporations. Also, you want to pay attention to9 the word “the” and how it appears, as that often gives the best10 indication of the nature of the entity being discussed.  More here:



          • richardfuselier7gmailcom

            Use Bouvier’s as a common law dictionary to find the meaning of the “United States of America”. It is simply the organic political corporation formed by the Declaration of Independence. It is composed of the several states of America whose residence includes “fundamental Christians” called Americans. Any other meaning is a conclusion of law and not supported by litigation or statutes. Under 28 U.S.C. Section 1746(1) it is described as “outside the United States”. That lady who furnished the information doesn’t believe in forming private law or common law courts. She is taking money from people to create “republics” without a jurisdiction. If you are a member of one of her “republics” you have no remedy or court to protect your rights.

            The ” United States” or the federal corporation is defined in Title 28 U.S.C. Section 4101(15).

            The underlying problem: Patriots want to discuss law without using the United States code. This code tells
            you what government believes and federal courts use to issue decrees. When you can use a conclusion of law with the United States code – you are probably close to the truth. When you belief system is contrary to United States code you are probably wrong.


  24. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    What is happening in the federal government called the United States is called “redistribution of wealth”. The government is taking from the workers and giving that property to someone who did not earn it. It explains every single act of government (except Trumps’ efforts to slow this redistribution down).


    • I sure agree with that one.


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        Ref: Redistribution of Wealth. Once you understand the problem you can work on a solution. That is what self determination or self government is about. You tax yourself and do what your body politic wants instead of letting government make those decisions. That is why you want to create “republics or states”. You build or control your own roads, schools, militia, etc. You create your own laws (with a common law jurisdiction). See term “free state” in second Amendment.

        You are not getting rid of anything else….you are simply seperating yourself from your form of government (this term in used in Declaration of Independence). You are not longer a United States national.


  25. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    The Conclusion of law. A post concludes that I want to get rid of some entity.

    This is entirely false. Completely false. Something being posted to mislead someone.

    What we are doing is establishing one of the several States of the United States of America. See 28 U.S.C. Section 3002(14). We are activating a the common law jurisdiction that existed prior to the civil war. The purpose is self government.

    Correct previous post: The definition of the federal corporation is found in Title 28 U.S.C. Section 3002(15).


    • That is what everybody is striving for. Have you found an Admiralty law judge who would listen to your argument?
      What state are you in? Do you have a website yet?


      • richardfuselier7gmailcom

        We have found no one interested in forming a common law jurisdiction or a private law jurisdiction. As I posted earlier….our case was filed in the Supreme Court recently. We were asked to submit it under a different rule than we used. We are amending now. (they want to see the change within 60 days).

        And we are in a proceeding in law and/or equity. We are not arguing in admiralty law. Common law actions are cases in law and/or equity (see Amendment Eleven and Article III). We are making claims for a right to a common law trial under the “Constitution” and not the Constitution of the United States.

        As posted before: No one wants to form a jurisdiction. They are afraid of the courts and do not or do not know how to use the rules.

        We have no website you can use because we do not want your money before we prove this. If we post our web site
        people attempt to use it without knowing how to litigate. And we are still learning which rules to use. So far no one has offered to help or knows how to help. The courts make us correct our mistakes.


  26. richardfuselier7gmailcom

    Anyone making these kinds of claims in a admiralty jurisdiction is make a claim for which relief cannot be granted.


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