Monthly Archives: June 2024

BIG News Mainstream Media Ignored This Weekend to Protect Biden & Far-Left

BEN FULFORD: This autumn it will be either world war or world government, 6.24.24

219 criminals arrested and 1,374 victims identified in action week against human trafficking

The Dead End of Liberal Zionism as Israel is Increasingly Isolated w/Norman Solomon

Dialogue Works

Dun & Bradstreet: Numbers for most of USA Corporations.

Those Still Asleep: The US Government did not get co-opted by a financial entity acting as the non-militarized arm of a foreign power, and it did not get turned into a corporatized business w/ internal business identification codes and its own corporate governance policies.

Dun & Bradstreet:

Startling Facts of Border Encounters Since Biden-Mayorkas Took Over

Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, Who Drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, Claims COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Weapons of Mass Destruction in New Affidavit


7 Big Reasons Trump’s NY Trial Was Rigged & Fraudulent

Why the Globalists are Terrified of Trump’s Relationships with BRICS Leaders Why the Globalists are Terrified of Trump’s Relationships with BRICS Leaders